Terry Boswell
Department of Sociology
Emory University
Atlanta, GA. 30322

(404) 727-7533


Professor of Sociology, Emory University, 1995

Assistant to Associate Professor, Emory University; 1984-1995


Ph.D. 1984, Sociology, University of Arizona

Dissertation: "Race, Class and Markets: Ethnic Stratification and Labor Market Segmentation in the Metal Mining Industry, 1850-1880" (Neil Fligstein, Chair)

B.A. 1978, Sociology, University of Arizona (with high distinction) Areas: Stratification, Social Organization, Sociology of Work and Industry, World-System Studies, Historical Sociology


American Sociological Association, 1980-present

International Studies Association, 1985-present

Southern Sociological Association, 1985-present

International Sociology Association, 1994-present

Graduate Courses:

Comparative Social Organization, Bureaucratic Organization; Social Stratification; Sociology of Work and Industry; Social Movements and Revolution; Departmental Research Seminar; Marx and Weber.

Undergraduate Courses:

Class Status and Power; Economic-Sociology (cross listed with Economics); Health Care and Society (Program Director and Instructor, Summer Study Abroad, cross-listed with Masters in Public Health); Social Problems; Introduction to Sociology; Conflict and Change.



Boswell, Terry. (ed.) 1989. Revolution in the World-System. New York: Greenwood.

Boswell, Terry and Albert Bergesen. (eds.) 1987. America's Changing Role in the World-System. New York: Praeger.

Articles and Chapters:

Misra, Joya and Terry Boswell. forthcoming. "Hegemony in the Capitalist World-Economy During the Age of Mercantilism." Acta Politica

Stevis, Dimitris and Terry Boswell. forthcoming. "Labor: From National Resistance to International Politics," New Political Economy.

Boswell, Terry and Dimitris Stevis. 1997. "Globalization and International Labor Organizing: A World-system Perspective." Work and Occupations, 24, 3:288-308.

Brown, Cliff and Terry Boswell. 1997. "Ethnic Conflict and Political Violence: A Cross-national Analysis." Journal of Political and Military Sociology. 25,1:111-130.

Boswell, Terry. 1998. "Hegemony and Bifurcation Points in World History" in The Future of Hegemonic Rivalry, (London: Sage) edited by Volker Bornschier and Chris Chase-Dunn. (revised from an earlier version published in the Journal of World-System Research. 1, 1: No.15, 1995)

Dixon, Bill and Terry Boswell. 1996. "Dependency, Disarticulation, and Denominator Effects: Another Look at Foreign Capital Penetration" American Journal of Sociology. 102, 2:543-563.

_____. 1996. "Differential Productivity, Negative Externalites, and Foreign Capital Penetration: Reply to Firebaugh," American Journal of Sociology. 102, 2:576-584.

Boswell, Terry and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1996. "The Future of the World-System" International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 16, 7/8:148-179.

Brown, Cliff and Terry Boswell. 1995. "Strikebreaking or Solidarity in the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Split Labor Market, Game -Theoretic, and QCA Analysis." American Journal of Sociology. 100, 6:1479-1519.

Boswell, Terry and Joya Misra, 1995. "Cycles and Trends in the Early Capitalist World-Economy: An analysis of Leading Sector Commodity Trades, 1500-1600/50-1750." Review. XVIII, 3, Summer, 459-85.

_____. and William Dixon. 1993. "Marx's Theory of Rebellion: A Cross-National Analysis of Class Exploitation, Economic Development, and Violent Revolt." American Sociological Review. 58, 5: 681-702.

_____. and Mike Sweat. 1991. "Hegemony, Long Waves and Major Wars: A Time Series Analysis of Systemic Dynamics, 1496-1967." International Studies Quarterly. 35, 2: 123-150.

_____. Joya Misra and John Brueggemann. 1991. "The Rise and Fall of Dutch Hegemony: Evidence from the Baltic Sound Tolls." Pps. 55-80 in Cities in the World-System edited by Resat Kasaba. New York: Greenwood.

_____. and William Dixon. 1990. "Dependency and Rebellion: A Cross-National Analysis," American Sociological Review. 55, 4:540-559.

_____. and Ralph Peters. 1990. "State Socialism and the Industrial Divide in the World-Economy: A comparative essay on the rebellions in Poland and China." Critical Sociology 17, 1:3-35.

_____. 1989. "Colonial Empires and the Capitalist World-System: A Time Series Analysis of Colonization, 1640-1960." American Sociological Review. 54, 2:180-196.

_____. Mike Sweat and John Brueggemann. 1989. "War in the Core of the World- System: Testing the Goldstein Thesis," Pps. 9-26 in War in the World-System edited by Robert Schaeffer. New York: Greenwood.

_____. 1989. "World Revolution and Revolution in the World-System" Pps. 1-17 in Revolution in the World-System, edited by T. Boswell. New York: Greenwood.

_____. 1988. "Control of Work and Worker Control: A Conflict Theory of the Governance of Transaction Costs in Work Relations," Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 7:135-162.

_____. and David Jorjani. 1988. "Uneven Development and the Origins of Split Labor Market Discrimination: A Comparison of Black, Chinese and Mexican Immigrant Minorities in the U.S.." Pps. 169-86 in Racism and Sexism in the World Economy, edited by Joan Smith, et. al. New York: Greenwood.

_____. 1987. "Accumulation Innovations in the American Economy: the Affinity for Japanese Solutions to the Current Crisis," Pps. 95-126 in America's Changing Role in the World-System, edited by T. Boswell and A. Bergesen. New York: Praeger.

_____. and Albert Bergesen. 1987. "American Prospects in a Period of Hegemonic Decline and Economic Crisis," in America's Changing Role in the World-System, edited by T. Boswell and A. Bergesen. New York: Praeger

_____. 1986. "A Split Labor Market Analysis of Discrimination Against Chinese Immigrants, 1850-1880" American Sociological Review 51:352-371.

_____, Edgar Kiser and Kathryn Baker. 1986. "Recent Developments in Marxist Theories of Ideology," Insurgent Sociologist 13, 4:5-22.

_____. 1985. "The Utility of World-System Theory for Explaining Social Revolutions: A Comparison of Skocpol and Lenin," California Sociologist 8, 1-2: 19-38. Reprinted, 1989. Pps. 77-95 in Studies in Development and Change in the Modern World, edited by Michael T. Martin and Terry Kandel. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

_____. 1984. "World Mode of Production or World Formation?: Alternative Approaches to the World-system," Contemporary Crises, 8: 379-384.

_____. and Diane Bush. 1984. "Labor Force Composition and Union Organizing in the Arizona Copper Industry: A Comment on Jimenez," Review, Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, VIII-1, Summer: 133-151.

_____. 1981. "State Repression and Legitimation: Disorganization of Labor in the Arizona Copper Industry in 1917," Theoretical Review, 23, :13-24.

Book Reviews:


George Modelski and William R. Thompson, Leading Sectors and World Powers: The Coevolution of Global Politics and Economics . Journal of World-Systems Research Volume 3, Number 2 (Spring 1997)


A Short History of the Future. by Warren Wagar. Journal of World-System Research.


Revolution: A Sociological Interpretation. by Michael S. Kimmel. Social Forces.


Precapitalist World-Systems. edited by Christopher Chase-Dunn and Tom Hall. Contemporary Sociology. 21,4:478-9. 1991.

Sociology of the Global System by Leslie Sklair. American Journal of Sociology. 97,5:1505-6. 1989.

The Marx-Weber Debate edited by Norbert Wiley. Contemporary Sociology. 18:3, p.456-7. 1988.

Redundancy, Layoffs and Plant Closures: Their Character, Causes and Consequences. edited by Raymond M. Lee. Contemporary Sociology. 17:2, p.176.


Critique of Commodity Aesthetics: Appearance, Sexuality and Advertising in Capitalist Society by W. F. Haug. Humanity and Society, 11, 3:405-7.


"Review Essay on The Anatomy of Capitalist Societies by John Urry," Theoretical Review, 31:46-59.

Honors, Awards and Grants:


Political Economy of the World-System Section of the American Sociological Assoc.: Chair 1996-7,; chair-elect 1995-6; Council Member, 1989-92; Book Award Comm. 1993, 1995 (chair); Distinguished Career Award Comm. 1997 (chair); Nominations Comm. 1986-87; 1990-91, 1997-8 (chair).

International Political Economy Section of the International Studies Assoc.: Council Member, 1987-1989.

Southern Sociological Assoc.: Program Committee, 1989-1990

Javits Fellowship Program, U.S. Department of Education: Review Panel Member, 1989; 1990; 1991.

ASA Marxist Section: Nominations Committee, 1988-89.

Editorial Boards:

American Sociological Review, 1993-6;

Critical Sociology, 1989-present;

Journal of World-System Research, 1994-present


Emory University Research Fund: "The World-System and Revolution," 1997-8 ($15,000); "Hegemony in the Age of Mercantilism," 1992-93 ($12,000); "The Relationship Between Economic Dependency in the World Economy and the Potential for Social Revolution," 1985-86 ($10,000); "The Challenge of Japanese Management: A World-System Analysis," 1985 ($4,000).

Ford Foundation: Co-author, "Crossing-borders: Revitalizing Area Studies, " 1997-8 ($50,000); Writing Across the Curriculum Fellowship, 1986-87.

Center for International Cooperation and Security Studies: University of Wisconsin-Madison, fellowship, Summer Institute, 1989.

American Council of Learned Societies: Travel Grant to Joint Convention of the International Studies Assoc. and the British International Studies Assoc., London, England, 1989.

Lilly Foundation: Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Teaching Awards Program, 1985-8


Boswell, Terry and Chris Chase-Dunn, "The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism," book manuscript; (under revision).

Boswell, Terry, Cliff Brown, John Brueggemann, and Ralph Peters. Class Conflict and Racial Competition. (under revision)

Marsh, Kristen and Terry Boswell. "The Rhetoric of Revolution" (under revision)

Brueggemann, John and Terry Boswell. "Realizing Solidarity" (under revision)

Boswell, Terry and Cliff Brown. "The Scope of General Theory: Methods for Linking Deductive and Inductive Comparative History" (under revision)

Misra, Joya and Terry Boswell. "The Relationship Between Economic and Military Predominance: A Comparison of World-Economy and Long Cycle Theories of Hegemony, 1550-1749." (under revision)