Re: review articles on women & world system

Mon, 8 Jan 1996 12:38:07 -0500 (EST)
A. Gunder Frank (

1. Smith at SUNY Bing did work on women/ws
2. AGF hasSECTIONS on gender in the CA book and the 93 Ws book p 43ff.
3. i just saw 2 refs to gender/ws somewhere, but dont recall, and will
inform if i find them again
DEPENDENCE THEORY by Catherin Scott, Lynne Rienner publisher. havent read
it yet, but the index does not mentionWS or Wallerstein. however it mayh
have relevance,m and maybe SHE knows more. the books says she is Poli Sci
prof at Agfnes Scott College.
5. i have a few books on women/pre-history times. if you wish i can
reference some. i get them precisely to help me do more gender/ws, but
they dont usually help much.
gunder frank

On Sun, 7 Jan 1996, Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU wrote:

> hi all,
> I'm putting the finishing touches on my introductory essay for the
> Sociological Inquiry special section/issue on world-system theory. [ONce
> it is officially in press, I post forthcoming contents].
> I have not found, so am hoping I missed, any review essays or even papers
> with strong literature reviews that address gender and the world system. I
> know there is a lot of good work being done. The most recent I have is
> Kathryn Ward's essay in the Paula England volume in 1993. Does anyone know
> of any more recent summary/review articles out, on even "in press"? If so
> I'd appreciate the references.
> In advance thanks to wsn / psc readers.
> tom hall