Re: your mail

Mon, 14 Aug 1995 10:06:19 -0900 (PDT)
M Schettino (

I am quite new on this list. So far I don't really know what PEWS is,
although I have some idea after the discussion about the name. I would
like to make some comments:

1. Political Economy / World-Systems encompasses most of what I think
you want to express by a name. Gender, race or specific discussion
should be understood as part of it, not as additions to the core
discussion. There is no point in capturing more people by changing
names, unless you also would like to change ideas. Is the market
asking you something?

2. What I think would be interesting is to enlarge both parts of the
name. Political Economy means a lot more than Marx, and in fact, I
think the W-S perspective could be much more powerful by changing
(adjusting, modifying, etc) the core economic theory. While Marx
certainly had something like a W-S perspective, his economic theory is
not the best in town, by now. Expanding the economic center of the W-S
to certain versions of neo-classical economics, specially
institutional economics, could lead to a) a more powerful social
systems theory, b) a bigger group of researchers, etc. (Note: this
doesn't have to do with Berlin walls, is just that I am too young to
have discussed this change of economic theory before, I just came late)

3. In fact, I am working about this: a global, systemic view of
history that encompasses the systemic view of WSN, the cultural change
view of some other historians (in England, I think), what I can see
around here (the real 4th world), and a "new development theory"...

4. Anyway, I saw you need 4 more members. I could be one of them if I
could know what is this about. I am interested in developing point 3

Macario Schettino
El Colegio de Mexico