Marx's birthday (fwd)

Sun, 30 Apr 1995 18:39:06 -0400
Carl H.A. Dassbach (

>> The House and Senate have passed the so-called Gorton Rider to the
>>Recission bill. The rider requires the US Forest Service to sell SIX
>>BILLION BOARD FEET of timber off our national forests in the next two years
>>the sales.
>> This bill will mean the end of the last roadless areas throughout the
>>west, particularly in the Rocky Mountain states and the likely end to
>>ancient forests in the Pacific Northwest with some exceptions.
>> The bill was written by Slade Gorton of Washington state, a timber
>>industry hack who admited taking $34,000 in campaign donations from the
>>timber industry last year.
>>1> The last hope is a veto from President Clinton. Please write Clinton
>>and ask him to veto the Recision Bill because of the forest killing
>>amendment. Short messages are best. E mail and US mail and even phone calls
>>to the White House are all urgently needed. This is the most important
>>forest issue of the last two decades.
>>E mail address =
>>(202) 456-1111
>>1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington D.C. 20510
>>2> Call your representative and ask them to tell Clinton to veto the
>>Recission bill unless the forest killer amendment is stripped from it.
>>Other state residents, capitol switchboard = 202 225 3121.
>>3> write letters to the editor and call your newspaper urging them to write
>>an editorial on the subject soon. If you want more detail contact me or
>>call 202 686-5888.
>> Please help now. This is not business as usual. Please forward this
>>message widely. Please act. We need new voices in the fight for our common
Carl H.A. Dassbach E-mail: DASSBACH@MTU.EDU
Dept. of Social Sciences Phone: (906)487-2115
Michigan Technological University Fax: (906)487-2468
Houghton, MI 49931 USA