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WEB INTELLIGENCE # 2 - jULY 23, 2003 (fwd)
by Andre Gunder Frank
22 July 2003 16:32 UTC
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               ANDRE    GUNDER      FRANK

Senior Fellow                                      Residence
World History Center                    One Longfellow Place
Northeastern University                            Apt. 3411
270 Holmes Hall                         Boston, MA 02114 USA
Boston, MA 02115 USA                    Tel:    617-948 2315
Tel: 617 - 373 4060                     Fax:    617-948 2316
Web-page:csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/     e-mail:franka@fiu.edu


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 12:14:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Andre Gunder Frank <franka@fiu.edu>
To: franka@fiu.edu
Subject: WEB INTELLIGENCE # 2 - jULY 23, 2003


Former CIA Director James Woolsey, in a recent speech in
Los Angeles, said: "The Iraq campaign is really just the start of the
Third World War and one that may well last for decades."

_.      Html  American Free Press  June 29, 2003

[Gunder Frank, former and still nothing, wrote in 1991 that the 
Bush War Against Iraq  in 1991 is the beginning of the THIRD WORLD WAR.
Third in two senses, 3rd  as coming after WW 1 and 2, and
Third as being against the Third World. Alas, the article is more
timely than ever. For an abstract see soemwhere on
WSN or the list-serve you receive this on, or  ask me. 
For the entire long article see my web-site
csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/   the section on NEW WORLD ORDER]

continue below! 

               ANDRE    GUNDER      FRANK

Senior Fellow                                      Residence
World History Center                    One Longfellow Place
Northeastern University                            Apt. 3411
270 Holmes Hall                         Boston, MA 02114 USA
Boston, MA 02115 USA                    Tel:    617-948 2315
Tel: 617 - 373 4060                     Fax:    617-948 2316
Web-page:csf.colorado.edu/agfrank/     e-mail:franka@fiu.edu


WEB INTELIGENCE  # 2  , July 23, 2003
Compiled by
Andre Gunder Frank

[# 1 was posted on July 1 under the title "Read on the Net- Scary"]

"When facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American
flag."  - Huey Long

*Hitler declared in Mein Kampf, "I am convinced that I am acting as the
agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's
work."  *Soldiers of the vermacht wore belt buckles inscribed with the
following: "Gott mit uns" (God is with us). *Jesus prayers became 
mandatory in all schools under [Hitler's] administration.    Sounds


Democrats walk out, and then all heck breaks loose
>WASHINGTON -- It started with the mind-numbing reading of a 200-page
>pension overhaul bill, erupted into a remarkably bitter name-calling
>match between House Republicans and Democrats, and ended with a GOP
>lawmaker summoning Capitol Police to evict an outraged gaggle of
>Democratic colleagues from a congressional library.

"My friends, this is how tyranny begins," said Rep. Lloyd Doggett,
>D-Austin. "It is our responsibility to stand against a police state,
>to stand in favor of open dialogue rather than to permit a bill to
>pass with only the votes of one party, and move toward a one-party
By Juliet Eilperin and Albert B. Crenshaw
THE WASHINGTON POST Saturday, July 19, 2003


The authors repetitively remind the readers that all fundamentalists do
not advocate violence or share the beliefs of the ultra-conservative
Far-Right. [But] they document with extensive research the dangers posed
by the Christian Right and they draw a stunning and alarming picture of
the extreme views held and objectives pursued by leaders of the Christian
Right such as Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Hillgave

The hard core of the Religious Right is anti-science, anti-environment,
anti-public education, anti-choice, anti-feminism, anti-gay and lesbian
rights, anti-sex education, anti-free-speech, anti-pornography,
anti-affirmative action, anti-welfare, anti-civil rights, anti-evolution,
anti-interracial relationships, anti-tax, anti-AIDs funding,
anti-pluralism, anti-liberalism, anti-other religions, anti-scientific
research, anti-secularism, anti-modernity... They are in fact inherently
anti-democratic.  But they sure are pro-death penalty, pro-guns and
pro-hate, as there's much destruction and little love in the agenda of
these extremists. As Randall Terry once said, "I want you to just let a
wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you let a wave of hatred wash
over you. Yes, hate is good . . . Our goal is a Christian nation. We have
a Biblical duty; we are called by God to conquer this country. We don't
want equal time. We don't want pluralism." (p. 25) Stoning is the form of
death penalty favored by Christian Reconstructionists," writes Mr.

        Book Review by Gillesistration of  
        The Fundamentals of Extremism: The Christian Right in America,
        edited by Kimberly Blaker,,  New Boston Books, Inc., Michigan, 
        2003 - ISBN 0-9725496-0-9 (Cloth) and ISBN 0-9725496-1-7 (Paper). 

The Christian fundamentalist's have ulterior motives for
seeking alliance with the Zionists to eliminate the
Palestinian threat and establish a "Greater Israel." The
intent is to bring about horrendous wars in the Middle
East (perhaps nuclear catastrophe) and thus precipitate
the Apocalypse, the "Rapture."

Considering the failures of capitalist economies, The peak
in world oil production, Bush's neocon war on the world
mentality, instability in the Middle East, the extinction of
biological diversity and climate change, the fundy's timing
is about right. Actually they are precipitating planetary
destruction by thwarting efforts to attenuate climate
change and other kinds environmental degradation, etc.

These guys and their ilk hugely influence the guys in
charge of the most lethal arsenal on Earth.
      Tim Jones

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Washington this
past January, his initial meeting was not with President Clinton but with
Jerry Falwell and more than 1,000 fundamentalist Christians. The crowd
saluted the prime minister as "the Ronald Reagan of Israel," and Falwell
pledged to contact more than 200,000 evangelical pastors, asking them to
"tell President Clinton to refrain from putting pressure on Israel" to
comply with the Oslo accords.

The meeting between Netanyahu and Falwell illustrates a remarkable
political and theological convergence. The link between Israelis Likud
government and the U.S. Religious Right was established by Natanyahu's
mentor, Menachem Begin, during the Carter and Reagan administrations.
However, the roots of evangelical support for Israel lie in the long
tradition of Christian thinking about the millennium.

Evangelicals and Israel: Theological Roots of a Political Alliance by
Donald Wagner Fri, 11 July 2003
NOTE: Donald Wagner is director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
North Park University in Chicago and director of Evangelicals for Middle
East Understanding. This article appeared in The Christian Century,
November 4, 1998, pp. 1020-1026. Copyright by The Christian Century
Foundation; used by permission.

{Under Secretary of Defense] Bolton did so in a speech to the annual
conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington.
His theme was the nuclear dangers this administration intends to confront
once the war with Iraq is over. They gave him a standing ovation. This was
what t challenged once a new government is elected. challenged once a new
government is elected., Ralph Reed, James Dobson, Gary Bauer, Oliver
North, Randall Terry, Phyllis Schlafly, et al. "Given the present
situation," writes Mr. Kagin, "the potential for religious right-wing
power and control of the American government becomes something beyond a
matter of academic interest. Officials at the highest levels of government
in the United States are actually attempting to advance fundamentalist
causes. If religious authoritarians gain enough power, it may become a
matter of survival." (p. 45)

Former CIA Director James Woolsey, in a recent speech in
Los Angeles, said: "The Iraq campaign is really just the start of the
Third World War and one that may well last for decades."
_.      Html  American Free Press  June 29, 2003

The Office of Special Plans, or OSP, was created by Defense Secretary
Rumsfeld specifically to second-guess and reinterpret intelligence data to
justify war in Iraq. The OSP was staffed by rank amateurs, civilians whose
ideological pedigree suited Rumsfeld and his cabal of hawks. Though this
group was on no government payroll and endured no Congressional oversight,
their information and interpretations managed to prevail over the data
being provided by the State Department and CIA. This group was able to
accomplish this incredible feat due to devoted patronage from high-ranking
ultra-conservatives within the administration, including Vice-President

The highest levels of the OSP were staffed by heavy-hitters like
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, and William Luti, a
former Navy officer who worked for Cheney before joining the Pentagon.
These two men, along with their civilian advisors, worked according to a
strategy that they hoped would recreate Iraq into an Israeli ally, destroy
a potential threat to Persian Gulf oil trade, and wrap U.S. allies around
Iran. The State Department and CIA saw this plan as being badly flawed and
based upon profoundly questionable intelligence. The OSP responded to
The Crime and the Cover-Up
By William Rivers Pitt  t r u t h o u t | Perspective


*W*hen George Tenet, the director of the CIA, testified before the
Senate Intelligence Committee last week about dubious intelligence data
on the Iraqi threat that made it into President Bush's State of the
Union address in January, he said an ad-hoc committee called the Office
of Special Plans, set up Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz,
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and other
high-profile hawks rewrote the intelligence information on Iraq that the
CIA gathered and gave it to White House officials to help Bush build a
case for war, according to three Senators on the intelligence committee.

Office of Special Plans Behind Phony "Intelligence"
by Jason Leopold July 19, 2003

"We are going to fight them and impose our will on them and we will
capture or ... kill them until we have imposed law and order on this
country. We dominate the scene and we will continue to impose our will on
this country." This is US proconsul in Iraq Paul Bremer  speaking 
from Baghdad last Saturday.

A quick study in colony building
byy Pepe Escobar

Washington seeks cover for occupation
US convenes Iraqi council with aim of grabbing oil

At a Tuesday press briefing in Baghdad, Bremer spelled out his
determination to push through a wholesale privatization of Iraq's oil
industry and the rest of its large state-owned sector before Iraqis are
given any opportunity to vote for a government or express their attitude
toward such sweeping economic changes. He and other US officials have
acknowledged that there is widespread popular sentiment against the
denationalization of oil and its takeover by foreign-owned multinationals.
"Privatization is obviously something we have been giving a lot of thought
to," Bremer said. "When we sit down with the council ...  it is going to
be on the table."

The US viceroy said that a key concern was that US and other foreign
investors would be reluctant to buy out Iraqi oil facilities and other
state-owned enterprises without having some legal guarantee that their
ownership would not be challenged once a new government is elected.

By Bill Vann - 12 July 2003

---------------------------- The US Army on Thursday invited corporations
to bid on contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq's oil industry that will be
worth up to $1 billion. These deals will supersede a no-bid contract
awarded last March to Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), a subsidiary of
Halliburton, the Texas oil company that Vice President Richard Cheney
headed before joining the Republican ticket in the 2000 election. KBR,
which has already billed the US government for several hundred million
dollars, will bid on the new contract.


Global War Looms? Top U.S. Officials Discuss Expanding 'Terror War' to
Iran, Beyond A secret, quiet meeting in Kuwait between some of
Washington's top war hawks could signal that Iran is next on the chopping

They are some of the "neo-cons"-a new breed of "conservative"
intellectuals who are determined to steer the Bush administration toward
an even more aggressive, go-it-alone posture. They are headed in
Washington by the hard-liner, John Bolton, the under-secretary of state
for arms control.  Bolton, a grey-suited saturnine man with a colorless
speaking style, was there as the front man for other powerful men in the
Bush administration. They include Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul
Wolfowitz and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith. They
are the most senior Pentagon officials after Rumsfeld. Other members of
this group include Lewis Libby, chief of staff to Vice President Dick
Cheney and Elliot Abrams, in charge of Middle East policy at the National
Security Council.  All are key supporters of Israel.

The day the "neo-cons" landed in Kuwait, Bolton, a political mirror image
of Rumsfeld, had issued a new warning about a supposed nuclear threat
posed by Iran. Bolton did so in a speech to the annual conference of the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington. His theme was the
nuclear dangers "this administration intends to confront once the war with
Iraq is over." He concluded: "In the aftermath of Saddam, dealing with the
Iranian nuclear weapons program will be of equal importance to dealing
with the threat that North Korea continues to pose."  His powerful
audience-many of them key lobbyists for Israel on Capitol Hill-gave him a
standing ovation. This was what they had come to hear. After Iraq-Iran.

By Gordon Thomas
        html    American Free Press  June 29, 2003




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