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Re: NYTimes.com Article: Scorecard for the War
by Threehegemons
27 March 2003 13:54 UTC
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In a message dated 3/26/2003 3:51:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
tganesh@stlawu.edu writes:

> Friedman's summary of the criteria for US victory in Iraq are perhaps too 
>summary.  They exclude long-term effects.  They exclude what major newspapers 
>like the Guardian have come 
> to accept as the ineluctable decline of US hegemony.  MS.

Furthermore Friedman ignores the relationship of the US to Europe/UN.  A US 
sympathizer might ask 'have the other members of the security council been 
cowed, and signalled that they will no longer consider vetoing US resolutions?' 
 To the extent that the US is targeting Saddam Hussein to intimidate Europe 
(and Russia and China) the war seems to be going extremely poorly.

Steven Sherman

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