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Re: Support Our Troops
by Paul Gomberg
23 March 2003 15:59 UTC
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The end of Stan Goff's piece seems to contradict the beginning where he seems to say that what we do makes no difference to troop willingness to fight for the imperialists.

I will assume that his report of his feelings during the invasion of Grenada are accurate. But it does not take much reflection to recognize that the fate of the U.S. imperialist venture in Vietnam was at least influenced by the anti-war movement and anti-racist urban rebellions in the U.S. They contributed to the rebellion within the U.S. military that eventually forced U.S. withdrawal.

We should not avoid the politics implied in slogans such as "support our troops." *Our* troops, our people are the international working class, not the soldiers of a particular nation. We oppose imperialism and imperialist wars. We fight to put an end to the system that creates war after war in search of profits and control of strategic resources such as oil. (This is really a war against European capitalists!!) The movements we build influence both the will of U.S. soldiers to fight for imperialist goals and the will of anti-imperialists elsewhere to resist imperialism. We should acknowledge and take pride in that.


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